Meet Sheng, Food Outreach Dietetic Intern


Meet Sheng, Food Outreach Dietetic Intern

Food Outreach works with students from local colleges like Logan University and Saint Louis University provide internships to students working towards a degree in dietetics. Our Dietetic Interns work with our Registered Dietitians, help prepare food with our Executive Chef in our kitchen, meet with clients, and host their own cooking demonstrations.

One recent intern, Sheng just graduated from Logan University this month with a Master of Science degree in Applied Nutrition and Dietetics. After graduation, Sheng plans on continuing to work toward becoming a certified diabetes educator.  “I want to eventually work with patients with renal failure (CKD, ESRD), as individuals with CKD and ESRD may also have diabetes. I want to be a leader and an educator in my community, where I can teach individuals how to nourish their bodies and health through nutrition.”


She felt her internship at Food Outreach provided a great balance of clinical and community nutrition and gave her greater insight into what she wants to do in her future career. “At Food Outreach I learned how important it is to be a resource and provide nutritional benefits, support, and assistance to populations who are in need or experience food insecurity. Being at Food Outreach helped me understand that having clinical nutrition or medical nutrition therapy knowledge will not solve the root issue of chronic diseases if communities and populations are food insecure.”


“Food Outreach brought me back to my interest in community nutrition and public health. It has helped me understand that I want to be at a place that offers the opportunity to work in an environment that has both elements of clinical nutrition and community nutrition. The staff and team were also very engaging and supportive, something else I learned that I want in my future work environment.”


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