Client Videos

Hear our clients tell their stories and how Food Outreach has impacted their lives.

Sandra Chaney

“Food Outreach was just a godsend, because when you’re going through five hours or more for chemo and chemo is very harsh, you don’t have time or feel like cooking. So Food Outreach was an awesome blessing for me.”
Watch Sandra’s full interview HERE.

Help support clients like Sandra, by making a gift to Food Outreach HERE.

Aharon Katz

“A lot of time when you have cancer, even after recovery or during recovery, you don’t feel like cooking.”
Watch Aharon’s full video HERE.

Help support clients like Aharon, by making a gift to Food Outreach HERE.

Scott Eye

“Food Outreach is a wonderful organization that helps cancer and HIV patients maintain a quality, high value diet.”
Watch Scott’s full video HERE.

Help support clients like Scott, by making a gift to Food Outreach HERE.

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