Carol Gruen Creates a Planned Gift to Help Support Food Outreach’s Future


Carol Gruen Creates a Planned Gift to Help Support Food Outreach’s Future

When Carol Gruen was invited to visit Food Outreach, her position at a major St. Louis bank included decisions about the bank’s community relations. Carol toured Food Outreach with former Executive Director, Mark Utterback, and was immediately interested in our work. “I was amazed. I had no idea that an organization like Food Outreach existed.”

Carol recommended that the bank support our mission through its charitable giving; moreover, Carol “decided to start personally giving to Food Outreach. I knew there were food pantries. But I had never seen anything where the food was actually hand-prepared and cooked for community members in need. I was impressed by the amount of time, care and thought that went into this process as a way to help so many people with HIV and cancer.”

Carol began volunteering at Food Outreach and was subsequently invited to join the board of directors. “At the time I was on the board, we set a goal to literally go out of business when a cure for HIV would be discovered.” Carol served on the board for six years. “I used my circle of influence and contacts to help Food Outreach earn additional funding.”

Before the pandemic, Carol sponsored a yearly Monday Hot Lunch in memory of her mom’s life. “I always get a smile on my face. I believe I’ve done something special for our clients. Not many organizations provide these delicious three-course lunches to their clients.”

In addition to her ongoing, annual gifts to Food Outreach, Carol recently shared that she has included Food Outreach in her estate plan to ensure her giving will impact our future. “As long as Food Outreach is in the business of serving their clients, I am going to give. Food Outreach does a wonderful job and fills a real need, not only for clients with HIV, but for clients with cancer, too.”

“I’m of the thinking that I need to give back. Food Outreach has been a part of my life for over 20 years, and it’s for many reasons that I have included Food Outreach in my estate plan.”

Click here to learn more about making a planned gift to Food Outreach.


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