Nutrition Education Webinars

Food Outreach Registered Dietitians Taylor Aarns and Rachel Kleinman host monthly nutrition education webinars. The next webinar, Pressure Points: Managing High Blood Pressure with Food, Nutrition, and Movement, is on Friday, September 20, 2024 at 2 PM. Check back here for more information! 

Here is a schedule of upcoming webinars:

Not available to view the live webinar? Watch the webinars online at your convenience!

Vitality Beyond HIV: Empowering Nutrition and Wellness Tips

August 2024

Vitality Beyond HIV: Empowering Nutrition and Wellness Tips.

Click here to view the PDF slide presentation.

Nourishing Your Body Through Cancer Treatments

July 2024

Click here to view the PDF presentation.

Balancing Act: Food, Nutrition, and Movement for Optional Blood Sugar Management

June 2024

A presentation by registered dietitians Rachel Kleinman and Taylor Aarns with nutrition tips for managing blood sugar levels.

Click here to view the PDF presentation.

Eat Well, Be Well

May 2024

A presentation by registered dietitians Rachel Kleinman and Taylor Aarns with nutrition tips for overall healthy eating.

Click here to view the PDF presentation.

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